our solutions
This is how
she overcame
We are an anti-human trafficking organisation that addresses the sexual exploitation of woman and chilren in South africa. We offer a variety of solutions to restore, equip and empower rescued victims of human trafficking.
restore, equip, empower
Addressing the sexual
exploitation of women and children
We provide care, healing, edcation and economic opportunity for the survivors. There are more than 21 million trafficked victims globally and for every one that walks through our safe house doors, we are reminded that every life matters. We are changing the world around us by changing the world around each one.
Safe housing,
counselling & medical care
First and foremost we provide a place of safety for those who have come out of human trafficking, of which in our case involves mostly sex trafficking. The location of the safe house is private and unknown and has a number of security features to ensure the safety of our residents and staff. We provide all the basic needs including food, toiletries, bedding, clothing and other daily needs the residents may have.

therapeutic programs
Based on an in-depth needs assessment, we provide each resident with an individualised therapeutic programme tailored to their specific needs. We provide internal services such as short and long term counselling. We also liaise with external service practitioners to provide the best possible care for drug rehabilitation, Psychiatric services, trauma debriefing, as well as provide opportunities for various support groups. Our in-house Social Worker plays an essential part in the therapeutic process and walks the journey with the resident from beginning to end, assisting with the various individual plans.
& skills training
A crucial aspect of the restoration process includes empowering and equipping each resident with skills and opportunities. We do this so that each resident may be equipped to find a job, start a business, or continue with schooling in order for them to function independently and have the confidence necessary for their future. We provide weekly skill development workshops as well as individualised trainings. Residents are placed in short training courses such as Job Readiness Training, Computer Training and Barista Training. In addition, S-Cape helps place residents in long term training courses, schools, internships and jobs.

We work with our residents to provide the best possible care and services so that when they leave the safe house they go into their future equipped and empowered for life. Where possible, we work with residents and their families to facilitate reunification. This includes creating awareness around human trafficking, helping the family to understand the needs of the residents and modelling open, non-judgemental communication. Where reunification is not possible, we work with residents to place them in alternative accommodation once they have a job. The reintegration process is complex, time consuming, and resource heavy but we are grateful we can assist each resident with the vital full-circle care necessary for reintegration.