if you suspect it, report it
24/7 National Human Trafficking RESOURCE LINE: 0800 222 777

Open your heart,
Open a door

You can volunteer either by taking time to pray for us or by giving your time to help out.

get involved

Available opportunities

What skills do YOU have? What are YOU passionate about? What are YOU gifted in? What do YOU enjoy doing? You can use what you have to make a difference. From Prayer Warriors, Social Workers and House Mothers to Social Media Management, Web design, Bloggers and more, there are plenty of ways that you can get involved in an area that you are passionate about.

Social Work Internship

Are you currently studying Social Work, and do you need an 6m + abroad internship? S-Cape might be the place for you.

Learn more 

Short/ Long Term Volunteers

Are you excited to make a difference in the fight to end Human Trafficking? Do you have a calling to work in the mission field or do you just want to give your time to make a difference in the lives of the survivors? Then this is the right place!

Learn more 

Workshop Volunteer

Delivering workshops and activities to engage women and increase their skills and knowledge of various activities.

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About volunteering

How long can I volunteer/intern for?

We accept short and long term volunteers, however we like volunteers to commit to a minimum of 3 months because of the amount of orientation and training.

There is no typical day at S-CAPE! Which keeps it very interesting. However the basic schedule of a day looks like 9:30 we start work/meetings. There is usually a workshop or therapy for the residents in the morning, and in the afternoon there is another workshop time, and we wrap up around 5!

A basic knowledge of the issue of human trafficking is helpful, and it is a bonus if you have been active in this field before, however it is not required. Teachability and flexibility are very important to us. We like to cater to the strengths and passions you can bring to our organization. The work we do can be intense at times, so a heart and passion to see women restored from trafficking is very important.

We are a diverse and growing team representing four different countries. The founder of S-CAPE is Swiss, our Director is South African, we have a social worker and social auxiliary worker. We have several long term volunteers working in areas of Program Management, fundraising and social enterprise development, pioneering the Children’s Program, etc. We also have a part time fundraiser, house mothers (the unsung hero’s of S-CAPE), and a Personal Assistant to the Director, and an Operational Health and Safety manager.

We typically have a sport workshop, discipleship, some sort of life skill, and we try and include one sort of “fun” workshop/outing each week. We have volunteers running workshops like arts and craft, entrepreneurship, micro business, budgeting, knitting, baking, etc.

S-CAPE is a ministry of YWAM, and all of our staff are followers of Christ, however it is not a requirement for our volunteers and interns. Our faith does influence and intertwine in all we do and is a key component of our organization.

Yes, we have had male volunteers and employees in the past and currently. Your responsibility/interaction may look a bit different for a multitude of reasons, but it is very important for the residents to encounter positive male figures.

Don’t worry, we provide an in depth orientation of the area. Long and short answer is yes, you must just be aware of your surroundings like in any new place. The living accommodations both at the office and near the office are very secure.

Our office is in a home and there are two rooms here for rent. There is also accommodations in walking distance from our office.

Most nationalities can visit South Africa for 3 months without a visa. If you want to stay longer than 3 months you can either apply for a visa extension for an extra 3 months (in total 6 months), or you can fly home for a few days and come back for another 3 month visa. We recommend contacting the South African embassy/consulate in your country for more info.

You will be required to have a police clearance/FBI certificate/the equivalent of that. You can have that done here or in your home country, but it is very important you have that upon arrival.

We have two S-CAPE cars that can be used. Otherwise uber or the train are options.

contact us

Want to do something
we haven’t mentioned?

If you think you have other experience or expertise that can help us, we would like to hear from you. Please fill out the form belwo and we will get back to you to start the conversation.