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Social Work Internship


  • Two office/administration workdays
  • Community development presentation alongside the Social Worker. (If COVID regulations allow)
  • Assist with Social Work admin where needed.
  • Facilitating weekly life-skills workshops to empower the residents.
  • Covering some shifts at the safe house and assisting the House Mothers in their daily duties. Here you will work closely with the residents, and you will be co-responsible to ensure a clear daily routine is maintained and the house rules are upheld.
  • Safe house administration (example: First aid kit monthly check-up, file registers and logs, printing necessary forms, finances)
  • Join Social Auxiliary worker in Social Support group meeting. This work will assist closer alongside the Social Worker to assist her in supporting the residents reaching their life goals.
  • Assist with the Social Enterprise skills workshop ‘not I but we’ where needed.
  • Help with ‘operations’ related tasks such as the following: administrative tasks, accompany residents during medical visits, providing transport, outpatient programs, assist with home affairs visits, participate in team meetings, and do house related tasks i.e., grocery shopping, etc…
  • Assist in the development of new systems that can support the well running of the safe house. As we are still a growing organisation, new guidelines and protocol must be created frequently to ensure a stable and clear foundation on how to work with the residents.


18+ years of age

Driver’s license is preferred

Necessary Skills

Teachable and flexible heart


6 months and more

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Social Work Internship